Posts tagged creative writing
Why you should outline your novel

I make a plan for just about every piece of writing I do. For a blog post, it's often just a series of bullet pointed notes or a few key headings to direct my writing, but for a full novel it's a much more in depth outline of the plot and characters.

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Why everyone should write a book in their lifetime

Have you heard the saying, 'Everyone's got a book in them'? I actually googled the phrase when I was writing my ebook, Deep Roots, and found that the majority of articles popping up in response were all about why not everyone should write a book, which was disappointing because I totally disagree.

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How to stop researching and start writing

Most larger writing projects require a certain amount of research, whether you're planning a novel that needs some historical accuracy, or preparing for a piece of non-fiction that needs some up-to-date theory behind it. Understandably, this kind of work can quickly end up spiralling out of your control. Before you know it, you're months into a writing project, with pages and pages of research and no idea how to begin using it.

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