Posts tagged guilt
The value of time spent on creative passion projects

When it comes to committing to a big writing project like a novel or book, I totally understand that feeling of resistance that pops up for lots of us. Doubt and fear play a role, definitely, but one of the more surprising obstacles can be a sense of guilt. How can we overcome this guilt and seek out a mindset which acknowledges the value in nurturing our creativity?

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How to make boundaries that protect your writing time

One of the most important things we can do for our writing is to give it time. Uninterrupted, focused, committed - and yes, a little selfish - time.

Why then, does it feel difficult to make that time? Why do so many of us (myself included), find it difficult to protect our dedicated writing time? Perhaps we feel silly, maybe it's self-indulgent or foolish to pour all of that time and energy into a hobby that might seem frivolous or intangible to some?

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